Thursday, April 7, 2011

Random Shyt

Shyt I been thinkin bout:

* Why in blue blazez (taken from the movie Talk to Me...shyt was so funny i say it all the time lol) is gas sooooooooo fuckin high? (here...3.61 for regular...SMDH)

* Why is cable so high?

* I hate washing clothes but I love wearing them (so gay I know LOL).

* Speaking of shopping, Ive decided that since shopping sux in this city I'll wait till the summer to buy shyt elsewhere that I can't buy here and shyt no one else has.

* Been looking for Thalium cologne...anybody know where I can buy it?

* Speaking of colognes, I need a new bottle of Allure and Clinique Happy for Men (something about this scent on a dude that makes you want to...(you fill in the blank)

* Back to shopping real quick: should anyone over 30 shop in stores like Hollister, AE, AERO, and A&F? Curious for a few reasons: my friend told me I was too old to be wearing AE drawz LOL. Speaking of AE, do you know I have a pair of 32/36 jeanz? Length of 36? Who knew!

* Was in Express the other day and think I might be in love again (love to hate red men)

* I want some TCBY with gummie bears mixed in the ice cream (im strange like dat)

* I'm in luv wit my iphone AND Droid X...thank GOD for Verizon. You are probably wondering why I have two top of the line phones and I could give you the same answer I gave everyone, but my rationale now is my iphone is for calls and my Droid X is like a mini tablet since I've been hearing that my iphone is better than an ipad...once again, who knew.

* Havin a Maxwell "Unplugged" moment (favorite trak: Accensions live). The people next to me in traffic probably thought I was high today lol

* Finally got my Armani Xchange Shades back from somebody who didnt need them.

*About to go watch some of this high azz cable I pay for and finish washing clothes (on whitez now).

---POOOF (what we used to say on WBS chat a loooooooooong time ago when we left the room)

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